Power BI Installation

Download and Install Power BI Desktop

 Note:  Power BI Desktop only works on Windows operating system and is not compatible with Mac OS or Ubuntu.

There are two ways to install Power BI Desktop.

  1. Install as an app from the Microsoft Store.

            Step 1: Open Microsoft Store.

            Step 2: Search Power BI Desktop.

            Step 3: Select Install.

Download directly from the browser

You can either Start from step 1 or click Here and start at step 4

Step 1: Open your browser and search Power BI.

Step 2:  Go to
Products Drop Down and select Power BI Desktop.

Step 3: Click on
See Download or language options.

Step 4: Click on

Step 5: Choose the Download you want and Click on Next

Step 6: Go to the downloaded file and open it.

Step 7: You're prompted to run the installation file after you finish downloading it, click on the Next button.

Click on Next

Step 8: Select I accept the terms in the license agreement and Click on Next.

Step 9: Click on Install.

Step 10: Wait until it is fully installed and Click on Next

Step 11: Click on Finish.

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